/* Gallerax 0.2: A flexible gallery plugin for jQuery By nodethirtythree design | http://nodethirtythree.com/ Tested on IE6, IE7, IE8, Firefox 3.6, Opera 10.51, Safari 4.0.5, and Chrome 5.0.342.9. Dual licensed under the MIT or GPL license. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// MIT license: Copyright (c) 2010 nodethirtythree design, http://nodethirtythree.com/ Permission is hereby granted, free of charge, to any person obtaining a copy of this software and associated documentation files (the "Software"), to deal in the Software without restriction, including without limitation the rights to use, copy, modify, merge, publish, distribute, sublicense, and/or sell copies of the Software, and to permit persons to whom the Software is furnished to do so, subject to the following conditions: The above copyright notice and this permission notice shall be included in all copies or substantial portions of the Software. THE SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED "AS IS", WITHOUT WARRANTY OF ANY KIND, EXPRESS OR IMPLIED, INCLUDING BUT NOT LIMITED TO THE WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY, FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AND NONINFRINGEMENT. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE AUTHORS OR COPYRIGHT HOLDERS BE LIABLE FOR ANY CLAIM, DAMAGES OR OTHER LIABILITY, WHETHER IN AN ACTION OF CONTRACT, TORT OR OTHERWISE, ARISING FROM, OUT OF OR IN CONNECTION WITH THE SOFTWARE OR THE USE OR OTHER DEALINGS IN THE SOFTWARE. ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// GPL license: Copyright (c) 2010 nodethirtythree design, http://nodethirtythree.com/ This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or (at your option) any later version. This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU General Public License for more details. You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along with this program. If not, see . ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////// */ (function($) { jQuery.fn.gallerax = function(options) { var settings = jQuery.extend({ selectorParent: jQuery(this) }, options); return jQuery.gallerax(settings); } jQuery.fn.galleraxFadeOut = function(speed, callback) { return this.fadeTo(speed, 0.0, callback); } jQuery.fn.galleraxFadeIn = function(speed, callback) { return this.fadeTo(speed, 1.0, callback); } jQuery.gallerax = function(options) { // Settings var settings = jQuery.extend({ selectorParent: null, // If a jQuery object, all selectors will be restricted to its scope. Otherwise, all selectors will be global. // Selectors outputSelector: null, // 'Output' image selector outputImgSelector: null, // (scope: outputSelector) If null, assumes outputSelector points to the output IMG. Otherwise, we look for this child selector within outputSelector. captionSelector: null, // 'Caption' selector thumbnailsSelector: null, // 'Thumbnails' selector thumbnailsImgSelector: null, // (scope: thumbnailsSelector) If null, assumes thumbnailsSelector points to the thumbnail IMGs. Otherwise, we look for this child selector within thumbnailsSelector. navNextSelector: null, // 'Next' selector navPreviousSelector: null, // 'Previous' selector navFirstSelector: null, // 'First' selector navLastSelector: null, // 'Last' selector navStopAdvanceSelector: null, // 'Stop Advance' selector navPlayAdvanceSelector: null, // 'Play Advance' selector // Category Settings categorySelector: null, // 'Category' selector categoryLines: 1, // Number of Categories.. If this is > 1, the plugin will look for additional caption elements using the categorySelector setting + a number (eg. '.category2', '.category3', etc.) // General settings captionLines: 1, // Number of caption lines. If this is > 1, the plugin will look for additional caption elements using the captionSelector setting + a number (eg. '.caption2', '.caption3', etc.) captionLineSeparator: ';', // Character used to separate multiple caption lines within a thumbnail's 'title' attribute navWrap: true, // Wrap navigation when we navigate past the first or last thumbnail fade: 0, // Fade duration for image transitions (0 for no fade, 'slow', 'fast', or a custom duration in ms) advanceDelay: 0, // Time to wait (in ms) before automatically advancing to the next image (0 disables advancement entirely) advanceResume: 0, // Time to wait (in ms) before resuming advancement after a user interrupts it by manually clicking on a thumbnail (0 disables resuming advancement) advanceFade: 0, // Fade duration used for automatic image advancement (0 for no fade, 'slow', 'fast', or a custom duration in ms) advanceNavActiveClass: 'active', // Active advancement navigation class thumbnailsActiveClass: 'active', // Active thumbnail class thumbnailsFunction: null, // Function used to transform a thumbnail image's 'src' to the output image's 'src' (null indicates the thumbnail 'src' attributes can be used as is, ie. there are no separate full-size images for each thumbnail) thumbnailsPreloadOutput: false // If a thumbnailsFunction is defined, preload (ie. cache) each output image on page load }, options); // Variables // Operational stuff var isConfigured = true, isLocked = false, isAdvancing = false, cache = new Array(), list = new Array(), currentIndex = false, timeoutID; // jQuery objects var __output, __outputImg, __thumbnails, __caption, __navFirst, __navLast, __navNext, __navPrevious, __navStopAdvance, __navPlayAdvance, __category; // Functions function cacheImage(url) { var x = document.createElement('img'); x.src = url; cache.push(x); } function getElement(selector, required) { var x; try { if (selector == null) throw 'is undefined'; if (settings.selectorParent) x = settings.selectorParent.find(selector); else x = jQuery(selector); if (x.length == 0) throw 'does not exist'; return x; } catch (error) { if (required == true) { alert('Error: Required selector "' + selector + '" ' + error + '.'); isConfigured = false; } } return null; } function advance() { if (settings.advanceDelay == 0) return; if (!isLocked) nextImage(settings.advanceFade); timeoutID = window.setTimeout(advance, settings.advanceDelay); } function initializeAdvance() { if (settings.advanceDelay == 0) return; if (__navPlayAdvance) __navPlayAdvance.addClass(settings.advanceNavActiveClass); if (__navStopAdvance) __navStopAdvance.removeClass(settings.advanceNavActiveClass); isAdvancing = true; timeoutID = window.setTimeout(advance, settings.advanceDelay); } function interruptAdvance() { if (!isAdvancing) return; if (settings.advanceDelay == 0) return; window.clearTimeout(timeoutID); if (settings.advanceResume == 0) return; timeoutID = window.setTimeout(advance, settings.advanceResume); } function stopAdvance() { if (settings.advanceDelay == 0) return; if (!isAdvancing) return; isAdvancing = false; window.clearTimeout(timeoutID); } function playAdvance(skip) { if (settings.advanceDelay == 0) return; if (isAdvancing) return; isAdvancing = true; if (skip) timeoutID = window.setTimeout(advance, settings.advanceDelay); else advance(); } function firstImage() { switchImage(0); } function lastImage() { switchImage(list.length - 1); } function nextImage(speed) { if (currentIndex < list.length - 1) switchImage(currentIndex + 1, speed); else if (settings.navWrap || isAdvancing) switchImage(0, speed); } function previousImage() { if (currentIndex > 0) switchImage(currentIndex - 1); else if (settings.navWrap) switchImage(list.length - 1); } function switchImage(index, speed) { // Check locking status (so another switch can't be initiated while another is in progress) if (isLocked) return false; isLocked = true; // Determine speed if (!speed) speed = settings.fade; // Get new and old thumbs var newThumb = list[index]; var oldThumb = (currentIndex !== false ? list[currentIndex] : false); // Get new and old SRCs var newSRC = newThumb.fullUrl; var oldSRC = __outputImg.attr('src'); // Initiate if (oldThumb) oldThumb.object.removeClass(settings.thumbnailsActiveClass); newThumb.object.addClass(settings.thumbnailsActiveClass); // Turn off old image __outputImg.galleraxFadeOut((oldThumb !== false ? speed : 0), function() { // Update caption if (__caption) { var i, s, caption; caption = unescape(newThumb.caption); if (settings.captionLines > 1) { var s = caption.split(settings.captionLineSeparator); for(i = 0; i < settings.captionLines; i++) __caption[i].html( (s[i] ? s[i] : '' ) ); } else __caption.html(caption); } // Change image // Changing an image's "src" attribute doesn't seem to set its "complete" // attribute in IE to "false", even if the new image hasn't been cached yet. // However, cloning the original and using the clone in its place seems to // make things behave the way they should. if (jQuery.browser.msie) { var x = __outputImg.clone(true).attr('src', newSRC).insertAfter(__outputImg); __outputImg.remove(); __outputImg = x; } else { __outputImg.attr('src', ''); __outputImg.attr('src', newSRC); } // If the new output image has already been cached we can proceed immediately if (__outputImg.attr('complete')) { __outputImg.galleraxFadeIn(speed, function() { currentIndex = index; isLocked = false; }); } // Otherwise, we need to do some other stuff ... else { var advanceState = isAdvancing; if (advanceState) stopAdvance(); __outputImg.load(function() { __outputImg.galleraxFadeIn(speed, function() { currentIndex = index; isLocked = false; }); if (advanceState) playAdvance(); __outputImg.unbind('load'); }); } }); } function initialize() { // Output __output = getElement(settings.outputSelector, true); __outputImg = (settings.outputImgSelector ? __output.find(settings.outputImgSelector) : __output); // Thumbnails __thumbnails = getElement(settings.thumbnailsSelector, true); // Captions if (settings.captionLines > 0) { if (settings.captionLines > 1) { var i, x; __caption = new Array(); for(i = 0; i < settings.captionLines ; i++) { x = getElement(settings.captionSelector + (i > 0 ? (i + 1) : '')); if (x == null) { alert('Error: Option "captionLines" is set to "' + settings.captionLines + '", but I could not find a caption element for caption line ' + (i + 1) + '.'); isConfigured = false; break; } __caption[i] = x; } } else __caption = getElement(settings.captionSelector); } // Navigation __navFirst = getElement(settings.navFirstSelector); __navLast = getElement(settings.navLastSelector); __navNext = getElement(settings.navNextSelector); __navPrevious = getElement(settings.navPreviousSelector); __navStopAdvance = getElement(settings.navStopAdvanceSelector); __navPlayAdvance = getElement(settings.navPlayAdvanceSelector); // Check configuration status if (isConfigured == false) { alert('Error: One or more configuration errors detected. Aborting.'); return; } // Set up // Thumbnails __thumbnails.each(function(index) { var y = jQuery(this), yi = (settings.thumbnailsImgSelector ? y.find(settings.thumbnailsImgSelector) : y), thumbUrl = yi.attr('src'), fullUrl = thumbUrl; if (settings.thumbnailsFunction) { fullUrl = settings.thumbnailsFunction(yi.attr('src')); if (fullUrl != thumbUrl && settings.thumbnailsPreloadOutput) cacheImage(fullUrl); } list[index] = { object: y, thumbUrl: thumbUrl, fullUrl: fullUrl, caption: yi.attr('title') }; y.click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (isLocked) return false; if (currentIndex != index) { interruptAdvance(); switchImage(index); } }); yi.hide(); if (yi.get(0).complete) yi.galleraxFadeIn(settings.fade); else yi.load(function() { jQuery(this).galleraxFadeIn(settings.fade); jQuery(this).unbind('load'); }); }); // Navigation if (__navNext) __navNext.click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (isLocked) return false; if (isAdvancing) interruptAdvance(); nextImage(); }); if (__navPrevious) __navPrevious.click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (isLocked) return false; if (isAdvancing) interruptAdvance(); previousImage(); }); if (__navFirst) __navFirst.click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (isLocked) return false; if (isAdvancing) interruptAdvance(); firstImage(); }); if (__navLast) __navLast.click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (isLocked) return false; if (isAdvancing) interruptAdvance(); lastImage(); }); if (__navStopAdvance) __navStopAdvance.click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (isLocked) return false; if (!isAdvancing) return false; __navStopAdvance.addClass(settings.advanceNavActiveClass); if (__navPlayAdvance) __navPlayAdvance.removeClass(settings.advanceNavActiveClass); stopAdvance(); }); if (__navPlayAdvance) __navPlayAdvance.click(function(event) { event.preventDefault(); if (isLocked) return false; if (isAdvancing) return false; __navPlayAdvance.addClass(settings.advanceNavActiveClass); if (__navStopAdvance) __navStopAdvance.removeClass(settings.advanceNavActiveClass); playAdvance(); }); } // Ready jQuery().ready(function() { initialize(); initializeAdvance(); firstImage(); }); }; })(jQuery);